A beautiful girl was tired of life after marriage
She wanted to kill her husband.
One morning she went to her mother and told her, "I am tired of living with my husband. I do not want to be his life partner anymore. I want to kill him, but I am afraid of the law." Will you take care of it, can you help me, mom?
Mother replied: Yes, daughter, I can help you, but you must do something.
Daughter: What work? I am present, whatever
Follow the instructions and instructions to get rid of it.
His mother said:
1- First of all, you should make peace with your husband so that no one will suspect you after his death.
2- You have to beautify yourself to be attractive in his eyes.
3- Take good care of him and appreciate him.
4- You have to be patient, loving, courageous, a good listener, and a good obedient person.
5. Spend your money on it and don't get angry when they give you something useless, money or something else.
6- Never shout at him, but always encourage him to love and peace, so that no one will ever think badly of killing him on you.
Mother: Can you do all this work?
Daughter: Yes, I can do it?
Mother: Very well.
So take this powder and put it in the food at least every day. This powder will kill it slowly.
Thirty days later, the daughter returned to her mother and said,
Mom, I have no intention of killing my husband now I love him and he has changed completely. He is now a very loving husband, which I never imagined, how can I get rid of the poisonous effect so that my husband does not die, my mother helped me.
The mother replied:
Don’t worry!
All I gave you was the corkscrew powder that would never kill you, but you yourself were the poison that killed your husband slowly with nausea and anxiety.
But when you persuaded her with love and respect, you saw that a good and sweet husband got her hand.
Men aren't really evil, they're our bad relationships, and we don't hold ourselves accountable for them.
Conclusion: If a mother guides her daughters in the right way, her daughter's house can be saved from collapse. The joint happiness of a couple can be saved.